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Prices vary from Individual clients to organizations & companies. Services also vary and pricing is aligned with services.


A consultation may range from a family assessment and one on one sessions to learn how to DIY your curriculum to a full organizational onboarding of the Creatively Ed process.

​Consultations can be booked for 1 to 2 hours.

Costs: $150 to $300. Look out for specials.


For Individuals and families

A single lesson: $50 with assessment 

$5 off ea additional lesson


Full subject curriculum: $295


Full 5 subject curriculum: $1495

Payment plans are available.

For Organizations & Companies

Retainer Fee: $1200 per month


Full One subject, curriculum for 2 month period: $6000 (includes retainer)


$1500 for ea additional subject.


Discounts apply based on circumstance.


One hour course: $500


Four Module course: $1500


Additional Modules after four: $250 ea.


Designed on software provided by the company: $3000


Designed on software provided by the designer: $5000


Suggested software: Storyline or Captivate 9.


Website content design: starting at $700

Half required up front.


Additional charges apply for changes after publishing.

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